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parentdb makes joining the pta a snap - and includes an instant parent directory, communication system, and more! our first school where parentdb was developed (CIS) often reaches 100% membership.
parentdb delivers tools to track fundraising and send feedback to parents during fundraising drives which builds participation and raises more funds for our kids. parentdb's email lists help parents encourge ther classes to support the school. CIS often reaches 90% participation in during our fundraising.
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“it’s for the kids!” - parentdb rallying cry
parentdb provides a private, secure parent community site with a directory, communications, and events, automatically.
have you ever forgotten the name of another parent? use parentdb to look up the names and pictures of other parents, organized by the
children's classrooms. you can also create articles, post pictures, get updates from other parents, and sign up for events!
parentdb increases pta membership participation by making joining and renewing membership with the pta an instant, online experience. schools that have used parentdb have experienced consistent pta membership growth.